Now that your home is under contract, there are things you can do to help the inspection process go smoothly and not have any delays with your inspections. This is a great checklist you can use to get your home ready for the home inspection.
Are the utilities on?
Gas burning appliances and heating units are turned on
Water is turned on at all the fixtures and toilets
Electrical breakers are turned on
Are all of the access panels accessible for evaluation?
Plumbing and heating manifolds
Water Heater closet is accessible
Mechanical rooms are accessible
Crawlspace and attics have been located
Electrical panels are accessible
Is the exterior of the home accessible?
Unlock or remove locks from gates and access panels
Remove debris against the home that may prevent access
Remove or secure pets
Dogs and cats can prevent access to areas of the home
Inspectors are not responsible for monitoring pets
Disclose information about past events or damage to the home
Past leaks that have been repaired
Damage – even if it’s only a cosmetic issue
Full Disclosure will build trust with the Home Buyers