Having a home inspection performed on a property is the next step after going under contract. During the home inspection, it is common for many maintenance items and repairs to be noted by your home inspector. Most of the items reported are common repairs we see on all of the homes we inspect.
Here are the top 10 items you should expect to see on your home inspection report.
1. Roof Repairs – All roofing materials require routine maintenance. We recommend you have your roof evaluated at least once a year for proper maintenance.
2. Wall Siding – Wood siding and stucco require regular maintenance and repair. This can range from painting siding to cracks in stucco.
3. Electrical Outlets – Often outlets are wired incorrectly, a GFCI outlet doesn’t trip when tested or the electrical cover plate is missing.
4. Exterior Wood Trim – Maintenance of exterior wood at the windows, doors, porches, and roof edges is an ongoing project with homes.
5. Leaking Drain Pipe – Often the drain pipe or valve at a sink may drip and then dries up before anyone ever notices it’s even happening.
6. Interior Wall and Ceiling Cracks – These cracks will appear near window edges or above doors and are caused by the movement of the wood framing of the home.
7. Exterior Grading of the Soil – Alterations to the landscaping and pet activity can affect the slope of the soil and cause water to pool near the foundation of the home. The fix for this can be as easy as moving soil in the yard.
8. Door Adjustments – The wood framing can move and may cause doors to need an adjustment to close or latch properly.
9. Signs of Past Water Leaks – Leaks happen and the signs are often left behind. We see this at plumbing fixtures, shut off valves, and in mechanical rooms in almost every home.
10. Older Water Heaters and Heating Systems – Ever heard the saying, “Don’t fix it, if ain’t broken”? This is a common theme with these appliances.
When you get your inspection report, you will have a better understanding of the condition of the home
you are about to purchase. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your home