
Should I Get A Pool Inspection When Buying A Home?

Pool inspection when buying a home

Are you looking for a home with an outdoor space that can make your evenings more entertaining, cool, and enjoyable? Most people are, and because of such expectations, you might be inclined towards buying a house that already has an inground swimming pool. With this, you get a readymade backyard resort that could add a sense of luxury, relaxation, and aesthetic to your house. But now it is on you to take the right steps to help protect your investment. One of the steps that you can take in this regard is getting a pool inspection that can help you acknowledge the pool’s condition, equipment systems, and structure. So, the answer is simple: you should get a pool inspection when buying a home.

With a professional pool inspection, you can rest assured of several issues that can range from the functionality of the pool pump to the deck surface’s elevation. There’s a chance that your mortgage company might require a pool inspection before lending you some money, but even if it doesn’t, then you still need to play smart and get a pool inspection. This blog will further highlight why you should get a pool inspection and its importance.

Why Are Pool Inspections Important for Homebuyers?

Pool inspections are important for homebuyers for several reasons, some of which will be discussed below.

Safety Concerns

One of the most important reasons you need to get a pool safety inspection before buying a home is safety. FYI, an estimated annual average of 6,700 children younger than 15 years of age were treated in the U.S. hospital emergency departments for nonfatal injuries associated with pool or submersions. 47% of these injuries occur at home.

When pool inspections are scheduled, inspectors can find out different safety hazards that might lead to serious accidents. Examples of such issues are:

  • Faulty electrical systems that can lead to electric shock
  • Broken or missing fencing that fails to prevent unauthorized access
  • Damaged pool surfaces that can be a cause of injuries

During the inspection process, inspectors ensure that the pool area complies with safety regulations and standards, which can ultimately prevent such risks. Additionally, safety features like alarms, pool covers, and proper signage are also checked.

Structural Integrity

Don’t get allured by just the fact that your prospective home has a pool. You need to constantly remind yourself that you need a pool to add a sense of relaxation to your homeownership experience, not headaches. For this, you need to get a pool inspection beforehand, as that will be a great tool to predict whether relaxing evenings are coming your way or are an unexpected nuisance. An inspection will check your pool’s structural integrity. Inspectors will thoroughly look for issues like:

  • Cracks in the pool shell
  • Problem with the decking
  • Issues with the pool’s foundation

If the inspector highlights any of these issues, then it’s time to think twice before buying the property. For example, fixing (or repairing) each of these issues can be a financial burden. If you even need to get the pool shell repaired, then it can easily cost you around $100 to $500. So, it is a bit alarming.

Mechanical and Electrical Systems

You don’t just need a pool; you need a pool that is great in operation, safe to use, and doubles the fun. For all this to happen, its major systems need to be in the correct working order. Examples of such major systems are:

  • Pumps
  • Filters
  • Heaters
  • Lighting

All of these (and more) must function well to maintain the pool’s health and usability. With a pool inspection in place, you can ensure all of the systems and their components are thoroughly examined to ensure they are in the correct working order and comply with safety standards. Any issues, such as malfunctioning pumps, faulty wiring, or inefficient heating systems, can lead to significant repairs or replacements if not addressed early. Identifying these problems during the inspection helps you avoid unexpected expenses and ensures the pool operates efficiently and safely.

Water Quality and Maintenance

If the water quality of your pool is compromised then that means your and your family’s health is going to be compromised. Swimming pools with poor water quality pose a significant health risk due to the potential occurrence of bacterial infections like E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This can cause gastrointestinal illnesses, skin infections, and urinary tract infections. This is another reason to get a pool inspection before buying a house.

During the process, the effectiveness of the filtration and sanitation systems are evaluated, ensuring they are capable of maintaining clear and safe water. Besides this, regular maintenance tasks, such as balancing chemicals and cleaning the pool, are also checked to verify that the pool has been properly cared for. By identifying any lapses in water quality or maintenance routines, the inspection helps homebuyers understand the necessary upkeep and potential costs, ensuring the pool remains a safe and enjoyable feature of the property.

Insurance Requirements

When buying a home, you also need to worry about the insurance, and most of the time, insurance companies require you to get a pool inspection. They need to assess the risk associated with the property (fair enough). The inspection evaluates the condition of the pool, ensuring it meets safety standards and identifying any potential hazards that could lead to accidents or damage. Ensuring compliance with these requirements not only simplifies the process of obtaining insurance but can also impact the premiums and coverage options available for you once you buy the home. By addressing any issues found during the inspection, you can secure comprehensive insurance coverage, protect your investment, and potentially lower your insurance costs.


If the pool inspection doesn’t identify any major issues with the pool, then it’s your green signal to move forward with the purchase. However, don’t forget to maintain your pool regularly. This will include several key tasks to ensure it remains clean, safe, and in good working order. You can begin with regularly checking and balancing the water’s chemical levels to prevent algae growth and maintain water clarity. Plus you shall also clean the pool by skimming debris from the surface, vacuuming the pool floor, and brushing the walls and tiles. This will help in preventing buildup and staining. It’s also crucial to regularly inspect and clean the pool’s filtration system and backwash or replace the filter as needed.

Additionally, maintaining the pool’s equipment, such as the pump, heater, and lighting, and addressing any repairs promptly can extend the lifespan of the pool and its components. Also, don’t forget to cover the pool when not in use to reduce debris and chemical loss.

Lastly, you can schedule a pool inspection at least once a year, even after buying the property.

Buying a home with a pool? Ensure safety and functionality with TexInspec comprehensive swimming pool inspections. Our experts check structural integrity, mechanical and electrical systems, and water quality to give you peace of mind.

Protect your investment and enjoy a safe pool experience. Schedule your inspection today!